Been a minute

I have to chuckle at the number of blogs posts I run across where the owner has a really good early cadence of posting, they’re gaining traction, really excited about their following, and always promise to keep posting content. And then two, three, four…years go by of radio silence. The best laid plans, eh?

I fit that mold perfectly. I do like to keep this blog alive as a place that I will come back to when life settles down a little bit. Well, life never seems to settle down, and most likely this place will be little more than a place that could have been. However, in the two years that I have been absent from my digital world, I have not been idle. Truthfully, the main reason why I have not bothered to post on this space is that I have been engaged in a pursuit of my Bachelor’s in American History. The coursework tempo is such that I have little energy for writing anything outside of the various research papers and forum posts that are due each week. The courses are fast-paced–cramming sixteen weeks of content into an eight-week track is exhausting, but I am diligently making my way through. I take the summers off, but my time is replaced by the outside projects that I’ve been chomping at the bit to complete. At the end of the day, when I’m dirty and exhausted, writing is the last thing I have energy for, and I’d rather just make a gin and tonic and call it a night.

However, I motivated by my friend and former commanding officer over at Kilted Adventures to pick up the quill once again and put pen to paper, or fingers to keys in this case, and re-engage with my digital world. Given that I do have content I’ve created for as part of my educational journey, I can add some more categories to the list of blog content: research papers and essays. So, while the cadence of writing and posting may not return to a robust (not that it ever was robust to begin with) rhythm. At the very least, I can create a digital archive of the writings samples I am most proud of.

So, while this note constitutes my re-entry into the world of blogs and online content, I hope you eagerly await my follow-up entries in the days to come for a look at some of my most favorite pieces written over the last three years.

~ S. C. Mattson

Photo: Zemeckis, Robert, director. Forrest Gump. Paramount. 1994.

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